Be Blessed With Gods Presence In Your Building
The Dedication of a Building lifts up to God the structure, purpose, and intent of your building, and virtually assures you access to the extra protection and guidance only God can give.
Whether yours is privately or corporately owned, for profit or non-profit, in the middle of the country or in the middle of the city, big or small; a large independent facility or a room for rent, it doesn’t matter.
Because after a Building Dedication, what goes on within the building will forever be dedicated to God and His ways. You’ll have extra assurance that God will always be there no matter what.
A Building Dedication also offers those in charge of the building a little extra challenge to always take seriously their call to respect Who is ultimately “in charge” of what goes on in the building. You see, a Building Dedication offers the opportunity for those involved to set the proper priorities from the very beginning.
God is called as I am called by God to help you in the Dedication Of Your Building. Please call, 630-835-9359, and we can discuss your request. I usually receive $100.00 in the performance of Building Dedications.
Eric Dawson
Pastor On Call