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Take it to the Streets

Take it to the streets, that’s what I say. If you want a real challenge towards practicing your faith, take it to the streets. Get in your car, put your seat belt on, turn the key, put the car in gear, start driving, and practice the “gospel” by spreading the “good news” while driving on […]

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Making Room

It never ceases to amaze me, how we seek to push our own agendas, needs, and accomplishments, as though they are all that matter in this world. It is only when you and I allow ourselves to be captured by a much greater cause (something bigger and greater than we could ever imagine) that we […]

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Super to Supper

Everything is super duper today including football, cars, hamburgers, vacuum cleaners, you name and it doesn’t take much to super size it or to sup-it-up; the bigger the better; the more spectacular the more attractive. But, what if we take the word “super” and just add a “p” and make it “supper”, and we think […]

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