Being Civil

My mother used to say “civility is the beginning of one’s walk with Christ”. That’s right, just learning to be “civil” is a good start, i.e. showing respect, courtesy, politeness, doesn’t sound too difficult, but it is, especially in a world that sometimes isn’t very “civil”. Learning to walk with Christ starts not with reflecting what the world would have us do, but reflecting what Christ would ask us to do, and being “civil” is a start. Being “civil” is the beginning of being conscious of others and not just yourself. Being “civil” is realizing that other peoples needs, wants, and desires, are just as important (and sometimes more important) than your own needs, wants, and desires. Being “civilized” is just the “beginning of one’s walk with Christ”; from there we are called to walk with kindness, mercy, love, compassion, and forgiveness, but none of these would mean anything if we don’t start with being “civil”!


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