Equally Yoked

I believe it is vitally important to declare Jesus Christ as my Crucified Lord, not just as my Lord, but as my Crucified Lord. Jesus died for us on Good Friday; He was Crucified, dead and buried. He then Resurrected on Easter Sunday as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is therefore my Crucified Lord. Without the Resurrection, Jesus would have been just another common criminal punished by the Romans through the act of crucifixion. But, because Jesus came back to life on the Third Day, what He sought to accomplish through His Crucifixion was fully empowered and validated. Proclaiming Jesus Christ as my Crucified Lord keeps what He accomplished both through His Crucifixion and Resurrection in a state of “proper creative tension” in which the act of Good Friday is equally yoked along with the act of Easter; in which the Cross is equally validated in conjunction with the Empty Tomb!


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