Jesus Christ is Risen

Heard a witness the other day from a young man who stood up and talked about how his life has changed since he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He said It was nothing major, just a simple confession acknowledging Christ as Lord of his life. It’s amazing to me how many times I’ve heard this same story over the years, where somebody gets up and talks about how much their life has changed (for the better) since they fully embraced what God has to offer through His Son, Jesus Christ. Are these hundreds of people delusional; are they insane; are they in a cultic trance of some sort? No, they all seemed normal to me. The only thing that was different about them is that they all proclaimed the resurrected Jesus as Lord of their lives. He was now in control. Instead of just saying, “Jesus Christ is Risen”, they lived it, by allowing His resurrected presence to permeate every aspect of their lives, and empower all their words and actions.


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