I once heard somebody say, “Stormy weather is kind of exciting, as long as it doesn’t hit your house.” Which is not too different from what an ancient philosopher once said, “Luck is when the arrow hits the other guy.” Which is not too different from the person in literature complaining about, “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.” Which is not too different than the disciples of Jesus grumbling about, “what the future holds.” Which is not too different than the response of Jesus reassuring His disciples that, “even though they may not know what the future holds, they know the One who holds the future.” Which is not too different than Paul speaking about, “the type of perseverance that produces real hope.” Which is not too different than the TV preacher who once talked about, “turning your scars into stars.” Which is not too different than the Vietnam Vet who spoke about, “becoming strong at the broken places.” Which is not too different from the seminary professor who once mentioned that, “When troubles and difficulties do impact our lives, we are called to become wounded healers for the sake of helping others in the midst of their own troubles and difficulties.” So, when stormy weather does impact our lives, we can be there for each other!
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