
We live in a crazy world. Some would say it’s “pure insanity” or “it’s a nightmare out there”. I’m sure we’ve all heard those descriptions before. If I was God I would have stayed away from this crazy world amidst the safety and comfort of the “heavenly realms”. Why enter into the insanity of humanity when you can casually recline in the midst of the Divine. Why risk the darkness when you can live in the
eternal Sonshine. Why experience the burdens of imperfection when your perfection knows no burden. The uniqueness of the Christian faith is that we believe in a God who “put it all on the line” so that we can experience some of the Divine. “My ways are not your ways” says the Lord, and thank God they’re not. The God of the New Covenant entered fully into our humanity with the intent to deliver us from our “insanity”. I thank God everyday that I can choose to follow His ways and in so doing help reduce the impact of this crazy world we live in!


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